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Thursday 19 July 2012

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle *** FREE

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau
It can be very frustrating when you experience a weight loss plateau. This is not surprising, since their body can experience a weight loss plateau for

months! The good news is that a weight loss plateau does not mean you are doing something wrong, such as eating more calories in exercise should be loose. It

is important to understand why your body weight drops before they learn to break a weight loss plateau.

When your body drop the pounds and stick to your diet and fitness plan as usual, this is called a weight loss plateau. Generally occurs when they have lost

approximately 10 percent of their initial weight. Your body is complex and amazing abilities, however, this is one of those things that probably would rather

not made their own.

When your body begins to lose weight, hormone levels begin to change that regulate energy balance. Your body will try to adapt to these changes that makes

the weight loss itself Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Jumping. This is to protect your body from making decisions that do not fully understand how they affect your body. During a weight

loss plateau, your body is building muscle and increasing calorie need for it. You lose muscle when you lose weight. It is important for your body to build

the major muscle groups and muscles of the heart and diaphragm for optimal health.

Staying motivated can be difficult but is essential for successful weight loss. If it is not advisable due to a weight loss plateau, all the hard work was

for nothing. Should be considered a weight loss plateau as your body take care of yourself so you can continue your weight loss plan. Give your body a break

and allow her to care for a while. However, this does not mean you can stop your weight loss routine.

While this is a time for your body to rest and catch up with the many changes taking place, there are some things you can do that might help speed your

weight loss plateau. The absolute worst thing you can do is stop eating. This simply lower your metabolism and shed his body to starvation mode. When this

happens, your body starts storing fat simply. This is the opposite result you want. Not only that, if you stop eating, increases the risk of serious health

problems. Here are some tips on how to break a plateau of weight loss the healthy way:

Increase intake of calories, which is fair! Should increase the intake of calories to maintain weight that is at present. Try adding 200 to 400 calories per

day. Make sure the calories you consume carbohydrates and proteins are of high quality. Increase exercise intensity: You may experience a weight loss plateau

because their routines are not intense enough, increase the intensity of your workouts.

Do not want to do yourself until you're in pain, but you should feel the muscles warm. Try to make as many representatives as you can comfortably exercise,

and then the representatives of the latter should be a little less easy to make. However, should not cause severe pain.

It allows your body to rest after exercise: during a weight loss plateau, your body needs to build muscle you lost. Not letting your muscles relax, stress on

them and can cause injury. If the muscles are not able to heal during the sessions, can not grow and strengthen. Wait until all pain is gone before

exercising again, approximately 24 to 72 hours. However, this does not mean you should wait three days before exercise.

Means do not exercise these specific body parts until healed. Routines alternative: you can avoid weight loss plateau completely if you mix up the workouts.

Your body needs a challenge to grow and become stronger. Doing the same routine day in and day for months there will test your muscles to grow stronger. Make

a change every 4 to 6 weeks. Some ideas to try are: Kick boxing, swimming, yoga, core strengthening, training, etc. ..

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